Subsections of Installing Athens
Building a versioned Athens binary from source
You can do that easily with just few commands:
git clone
cd athens
make build-ver VERSION="0.2.0"
git clone
cd athens
$version = "0.2.0"
$date = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()
go build -ldflags "-X$version -X$date" -o athens ./cmd/proxy
This will give you a binary named athens
. You can print the version and time information by running:
which should return something like:
Build Details:
Version: 0.2.0
Date: 2018-12-13-20:51:06-UTC
Install Athens on Kubernetes
When you follow the instructions in the Walkthrough, you end up with an Athens Proxy that uses in-memory storage. This is only suitable for trying out the Athens proxy for a short period of time, as you will quickly run out of memory and Athens won’t persist modules between restarts. In order to run a more production-like proxy, you may want to run Athens on a Kubernetes cluster. To aid in deployment of the Athens proxy on Kubernetes, a Helm chart has been provided. This guide will walk you through installing Athens on a Kubernetes cluster using Helm.
In order to install Athens on your Kubernetes cluster, there are a few prerequisites that you must satisfy. If you already have completed the following steps, please continue to configuring helm. This guide assumes you have already created a Kubernetes cluster.
Install the Kubernetes CLI
In order to interact with your Kubernetes Cluster, you will need to install kubectl.
Install The Helm CLI
Helm is a tool for installing pre-configured applications on Kubernetes.
Install helm
by running the following command:
brew install kubernetes-helm
- Download the latest Helm release.
- Decompress the tar file.
- Copy helm.exe to a directory on your PATH.
curl | bash
If your cluster has already been configured to use Helm, please continue to deploy Athens.
If not, please read on.
RBAC Cluster
If your cluster has RBAC enabled, you will need to create a ServiceAccount, ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding for Helm to use. The following command will create these and initialize Helm.
kubectl create -f
helm init --service-account tiller
Non RBAC Cluster
If your cluster has does not have RBAC enabled, you can simply initialize Helm.
Before deploying Athens, you will need to wait for the Tiller pod to become Ready
. You can check the status by watching the pods in kube-system
$ kubectl get pods -n kube-system -w
tiller-deploy-5456568744-76c6s 1/1 Running 0 5s
Deploy Athens
The fastest way to install Athens using Helm is to deploy it from our public Helm chart repository. First, add the repository with this command:
$ helm repo add gomods
$ helm repo update
Next, install the chart with default values to athens
$ helm install athens gomods/athens-proxy --namespace athens
This will deploy a single Athens instance in the athens
namespace with disk
storage enabled. Additionally, a ClusterIP
service will be created.
Advanced Configuration
By default, the chart will install Athens with a replica count of 1. To change this, change the replicaCount
helm install athens gomods/athens-proxy --namespace athens --set replicaCount=3
By default, the chart will install Athens without specific resource requests or limits. To change this, change the resources
helm install athens gomods/athens-proxy --namespace athens \
--set resources.requests.cpu=100m \
--set resources.requests.memory=64Mi \
--set resources.limits.cpu=100m \
--set resources.limits.memory=64Mi
For more information, see Managing Compute Resources for Containers in the Kubernetes documentation.
Give Athens access to private repositories via Github Token (Optional)
- Create a token at
- Provide the token to the Athens proxy either through the config.toml file (the
field) or by setting the ATHENS_GITHUB_TOKEN
environment variable.
Storage Providers
The Helm chart currently supports running Athens with two different storage providers: disk
and mongo
. The default behavior is to use the disk
storage provider.
Disk Storage Configuration
When using the disk
storage provider, you can configure a number of options regarding data persistence. By default, Athens will deploy using an emptyDir
volume. This probably isn’t sufficient for production use cases, so the chart also allows you to configure persistence via a PersistentVolumeClaim. The chart currently allows you to set the following values:
enabled: false
accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
size: 4Gi
Add it to override-values.yaml
file and run:
helm install gomods/athens-proxy -n athens --namespace athens -f override-values.yaml
is used to turn on the PVC feature of the chart, while the other values relate directly to the values defined in the PersistentVolumeClaim documentation.
Mongo DB Configuration
To use the Mongo DB storage provider, you will first need a MongoDB instance. Once you have deployed MongoDB, you can configure Athens using the connection string via storage.mongo.url
. You will also need to set storage.type
to “mongo”.
helm install gomods/athens-proxy -n athens --namespace athens --set storage.type=mongo --set storage.mongo.url=<some-mongodb-connection-string>
S3 Configuration
To use S3 storage with Athens, set storage.type
to s3
and set storage.s3.region
and storage.s3.bucket
to the desired AWS region and
S3 bucket name, respectively. By default, Athens will attempt to load AWS credentials using the AWS SDK from the chain of environment
variables, shared credentials files, and EC2 instance credentials. To manually specify AWS credentials, set storage.s3.access_key_id
, and change storage.s3.useDefaultConfiguration
to false
helm install gomods/athens-proxy -n athens --namespace athens --set storage.type=s3 --set storage.s3.region=<your-aws-region> --set storage.s3.bucket=<your-bucket>
Minio Configuration
To use S3 storage with Athens, set storage.type
to minio
. You need to set storage.minio.endpoint
as the URL of your minio-installation.
This URL can also be an kubernetes-internal one (e.g. something like minio-service.default.svc
You need to create a bucket inside your minio-installation or use an existing one. The bucket needs to be referenced in storage.minio.bucket
Last athens need authentication credentials for your minio in storage.minio.accessKey
and storage.minio.secretKey
helm install gomods/athens-proxy -n athens --namespace athens --set storage.type=minio --set storage.minio.endpoint=<your-minio-endpoint> --set storage.minio.bucket=<your-bucket> --set storage.minio.accessKey=<your-minio-access-key> --set storage.minio.secretKey=<your-minio-secret-key>
Google Cloud Storage
To use Google Cloud Storage storage with Athens, set storage.type
to gcp
. You need to set storage.gcp.projectID
and storage.gcp.bucket
to the
desired GCP project and bucket name, respectively.
Depending on your deployment environment you will also need to set storage.gcp.serviceAccount
to a key which has read/write access to
the GCS bucket. If you are running Athens inside GCP, you will most likely not need this as GCP figures out internal authentication between products for you.
helm install gomods/athens-proxy -n athens --namespace athens --set storage.type=gcp --set storage.gcp.projectID=<your-gcp-project> --set storage.gcp.bucket=<your-bucket>
Kubernetes Service
By default, a Kubernetes ClusterIP
service is created for the Athens proxy. “ClusterIP” is sufficient in the case when the Athens proxy will be used from within the cluster. To expose Athens outside of the cluster, consider using a “NodePort” or “LoadBalancer” service. This can be changed by setting the service.type
value when installing the chart. For example, to deploy Athens using a NodePort service, the following command could be used:
helm install gomods/athens-proxy -n athens --namespace athens --set service.type=NodePort
Ingress Resource
The chart can optionally create a Kubernetes Ingress Resource for you as well. To enable this feature, set the ingress.enabled
resource to true.
helm install gomods/athens-proxy -n athens --namespace athens --set ingress.enabled=true
Further configuration values are available in the values.yaml
enabled: true
annotations: "letsencrypt-prod" "true" "true" nginx
- secretName:
- "
Example above sets automatic creation/retrieval of TLS certificates from Let’s Encrypt with cert-manager and uses nginx-ingress controller to expose Athens externally to the Internet.
Add it to override-values.yaml
file and run:
helm install gomods/athens-proxy -n athens --namespace athens -f override-values.yaml
Upstream module repository
You can set the URL
for the upstream module repository then Athens will try to download modules from the upstream when it doesn’t find them in its own storage.
You have a few good options for what you can set as an upstream:
to use JFrog’s GoCenter
to use the Go Module Mirror
- The URL to any other Athens server
The example below shows you how to set GoCenter up as upstream module repository:
enabled: true
url: ""
Add it to override-values.yaml
file and run:
helm install gomods/athens-proxy -n athens --namespace athens -f override-values.yaml
.netrc file support
A .netrc
file can be shared as a secret to allow the access to private modules.
The secret must be created from a netrc
file using the following command (the name of the file must be netrc):
kubectl create secret generic netrcsecret --from-file=./netrc
In order to instruct athens to fetch and use the secret, netrc.enabled
flag must be set to true:
helm install athens gomods/athens-proxy --namespace athens --set netrc.enabled=true
gitconfig support
A gitconfig file can be shared as a secret to allow
the access to modules in private git repositories. For example, you can configure access to private repositories via HTTPS
using personal access tokens on GitHub, GitLab and other git services.
First of all, prepare your gitconfig file:
cat << EOF > /tmp/gitconfig
[url ""]
insteadOf = ssh://
insteadOf =
Next, create the secret using the file created above:
kubectl create secret generic athens-proxy-gitconfig --from-file=gitconfig=/tmp/gitconfig
In order to instruct athens to use the secret, set appropriate flags (or parameters in values.yaml
helm install athens gomods/athens-proxy --namespace athens \
--set gitconfig.enabled=true \
--set gitconfig.secretName=athens-proxy-gitconfig \
--set gitconfig.secretKey=gitconfig
Using the Athens Docker images
Whether setting Athens up using Kubernetes or using the Walkthrough, you’ll most likely be using one of the images that the Athens project produces. This document details what images are available, and has a recap from the Walkthrough of how to use them on their own.
Available Docker images
The Athens project produces two docker images, available via Docker Hub
- A release version as
, each tag corresponds with an Athens release, e.g. v0.7.1
. Additionally, a canary
tag is available and tracks each commit to main
- A tip version, as
, tagged with every commit to main
, e.g. 1573339
For a detailed tags list, check each image’s Docker Hub
Running Athens as a Docker image
This is a quick recap of the Walkthrough
Using the docker
In order to run the Athens Proxy using docker, we need first to create a directory that will store the persistant modules.
In the example below, the new directory is named athens-storage
and is located in our userspace (i.e. $HOME
Then we need to set the ATHENS_STORAGE_TYPE
environment variables when we run the Docker container.
export ATHENS_STORAGE=$HOME/athens-storage
docker run -d -v $ATHENS_STORAGE:/var/lib/athens \
-e ATHENS_DISK_STORAGE_ROOT=/var/lib/athens \
--name athens-proxy \
--restart always \
-p 3000:3000 \
$env:ATHENS_STORAGE = "$(Join-Path $HOME athens-storage)"
md -Path $env:ATHENS_STORAGE
docker run -d -v "$($env:ATHENS_STORAGE):/var/lib/athens" `
-e ATHENS_DISK_STORAGE_ROOT=/var/lib/athens `
--name athens-proxy `
--restart always `
-p 3000:3000 `
Non-Root User
The Athens docker images comes with a non-root user athens
with uid: 1000
, gid: 1000
and home directory /home/athens
In situations where running as root is not permitted, this user can be used instead. In all other instructions
replace /root/
with /home/athens/
and set the user and group ids in the run environment to 1000
docker run -d -v $ATHENS_STORAGE:/var/lib/athens \
-e ATHENS_DISK_STORAGE_ROOT=/var/lib/athens \
-v "$PWD/gitconfig/.gitconfig:/home/athens/.gitconfig" \
--name athens-proxy \
--restart always \
-p 3000:3000 \
-u 1000:1000 \
Troubleshooting Athens in Docker
The Athens docker image uses tini so that defunct processes get reaped.
Docker 1.13 and greater includes tini
and lets you enable it by passing the --init
flag to docker run
or by configuring the docker deamon with "init": true
. When running in this mode. you may see a warning like this:
[WARN tini (6)] Tini is not running as PID 1 and isn't registered as a child subreaper.
Zombie processes will not be re-parented to Tini, so zombie reaping won't work.
To fix the problem, use the -s option or set the environment variable TINI_SUBREAPER to register Tini as a child subreaper, or run Tini as PID 1.
This is the “Athens-tini” complaining that it’s not running as PID 1.
There is no harm in that, since the zombie processes will be reaped by the tini
included in Docker.
Shared Team Instance
When you follow the instructions in the Walkthrough, you end up with an Athens Proxy that uses in-memory storage. This is only suitable for trying out the Athens proxy for a short period of time, as you will quickly run out of memory and Athens won’t persist modules between restarts. This guide will help you get Athens running in a more suitable manner for scenarios like providing an instance for your development team to share.
We will use Docker to run the Athens proxy, so first make sure you have Docker installed.
Selecting a Storage Provider
Athens currently supports a number of storage drivers. For local use we recommend starting with the local disk provider. For other providers, please see the Storage Provider documentation.
Running Athens with Local Disk Storage
In order to run Athens with disk storage, you will next need to identify where you would like to persist modules. In the example below, we will create a new directory named athens-storage
in our current directory. Now you are ready to run Athens with disk storage enabled. To enable disk storage, you need to set the ATHENS_STORAGE_TYPE
environment variables when you run the Docker container.
The examples below use the :latest
Docker tags for simplicity, however we strongly recommend that after your environment is up and running that you switch to using
an explicit version (for example :v0.3.0
export ATHENS_STORAGE=~/athens-storage
docker run -d -v $ATHENS_STORAGE:/var/lib/athens \
-e ATHENS_DISK_STORAGE_ROOT=/var/lib/athens \
--name athens-proxy \
--restart always \
-p 3000:3000 \
$env:ATHENS_STORAGE = "$(Join-Path $pwd athens-storage)"
md -Path $env:ATHENS_STORAGE
docker run -d -v "$($env:ATHENS_STORAGE):/var/lib/athens" `
-e ATHENS_DISK_STORAGE_ROOT=/var/lib/athens `
--name athens-proxy `
--restart always `
-p 3000:3000 `
Note: if you have not previously mounted this drive with Docker for Windows, you may be prompted to allow access
Athens should now be running as a Docker container with the local directory, athens-storage
mounted as a volume. When Athens retrieves the modules, they will be stored in the directory previously created. First, let’s verify that Athens is running:
$ docker ps
f0429b81a4f9 gomods/athens:latest "/bin/app">3000/tcp athens-proxy
Now, we can use Athens from any development machine that has Go v1.12+ installed. To verify this, try the following example:
$ export GO111MODULE=on
$ export GOPROXY=
$ git clone
$ cd walkthrough
$ go run .
go: downloading v1.0.0
The 🦁 says rawr!
$env:GO111MODULE = "on"
$env:GOPROXY = ""
git clone
cd walkthrough
$ go run .
go: downloading v1.0.0
The 🦁 says rawr!
We can verify that Athens handled this request by examining the Docker logs:
$ docker logs -f athens-proxy
time="2018-08-21T17:28:53Z" level=warning msg="Unless you set SESSION_SECRET env variable, your session storage is not protected!"
time="2018-08-21T17:28:53Z" level=info msg="Starting application at"
handler: GET / [200]
handler: GET / [200]
handler: GET / [200]
Now, if you view the contents of the athens_storage
directory, you will see that you now have additional files representing the samplelib module.
total 24
-rwxr-xr-x 1 jeremyrickard wheel 50 Aug 21 10:52
-rwxr-xr-x 1 jeremyrickard wheel 2391 Aug 21 10:52
-rwxr-xr-x 1 jeremyrickard wheel 45 Aug 21 10:52 go.mod
$ dir $env:ATHENS_STORAGE\\athens-artifacts\samplelib\v1.0.0\
Directory: C:\athens-storage\\athens-artifacts\samplelib\v1.0.0
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 8/21/2018 3:31 PM 45 go.mod
-a---- 8/21/2018 3:31 PM 2391
-a---- 8/21/2018 3:31 PM 50
When Athens is restarted, it will serve the module from this location without re-downloading it. To verify that, we need to first remove the Athens container.
docker rm -f athens-proxy
Now, we need to clear the local Go modules storage. This is needed so that your local Go command line tool will re-download the module from Athens. The following commands will clear the local module storage:
sudo rm -fr "$(go env GOPATH)/pkg/mod"
rm -recurse -force $(go env GOPATH)\pkg\mod
Now, we can re-run the Athens container:
docker run -d -v $ATHENS_STORAGE:/var/lib/athens \
-e ATHENS_DISK_STORAGE_ROOT=/var/lib/athens \
--name athens-proxy \
--restart always \
-p 3000:3000 \
docker run -d -v "$($env:ATHENS_STORAGE):/var/lib/athens" `
-e ATHENS_DISK_STORAGE_ROOT=/var/lib/athens `
--name athens-proxy `
--restart always `
-p 3000:3000 `
When we re-run our Go example, the Go cli will again download module from Athens. Athens, however, will not need to retrieve the module. It will be served from the Athens on-disk storage.
total 24
-rwxr-xr-x 1 jeremyrickard wheel 50 Aug 21 10:52
-rwxr-xr-x 1 jeremyrickard wheel 2391 Aug 21 10:52
-rwxr-xr-x 1 jeremyrickard wheel 45 Aug 21 10:52 go.mod
$ dir $env:ATHENS_STORAGE\\athens-artifacts\samplelib\v1.0.0\
Directory: C:\athens-storage\\athens-artifacts\samplelib\v1.0.0
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 8/21/2018 3:31 PM 45 go.mod
-a---- 8/21/2018 3:31 PM 2391
-a---- 8/21/2018 3:31 PM 50
Notice that the timestamps given have not changed.
Next Steps:
Install on AWS Fargate (ECS)
In this document, we’ll show how to use AWS Fargate (ECS) to run the Athens proxy.
Selecting a Storage Provider
There is documentation about how to use environment variables to configure the various storage providers. However, for
this particular example we will use Amazon S3 Storage (s3).
Before You Begin
This guide assumes you already have an AWS account as well as the necessary authentication and permissions to create
resources in the account.
Whether you choose to create your resources using the awscli or use something like
Terraform, the resources required are the same.
S3 Bucket
In order to persist modules, we will create a s3 bucket for storage.
Below are two examples of creating the s3 bucket using the awscli and Terraform.
$ aws s3api create-bucket --bucket athens-proxy-us-east-1-123456789012 --region us-east-1
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "cache" {
bucket = "athens-proxy-us-east-1-123456789012"
note: it is a good idea to use environment, region, and/or account ID as components to the bucket name due to their
globally unique naming rules.
ECS Task IAM Role
In order for the ECS container instances to use the s3 bucket, we will need to configure the task IAM role to
include the proper allow
Below is a least-privileged policy document in both JSON and Terraform to enable ECS containers s3 bucket access to
store and retrieve cache assets.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::athens-proxy-us-east-1-123456789012"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::athens-proxy-us-east-1-123456789012/*"
resource "aws_iam_policy" "task_role" {
name = "athens-proxy-task-role"
path = "/"
policy = data.aws_iam_policy_document.task_role_policy.json
data "aws_iam_policy_document" "task_role_policy" {
statement {
effect = "Allow"
actions = [
resources = [aws_s3_bucket.cache.arn]
statement {
effect = "Allow"
actions = [
resources = ["${aws_s3_bucket.cache.arn}/*"]
statement {
effect = "Allow"
actions = [
resources = ["*"]
ECS Task Definition
In order for Athens to be able to authenticate to the s3 bucket, we will need to configure the storage variables
associated with s3.
Below is an excerpt from a task definition that shows the minimum environment variables needed.
"environment": [
{"name": "AWS_REGION", "value": "us-east-1"},
{"name": "AWS_USE_DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION", "value": "true"},
{"name": "ATHENS_STORAGE_TYPE", "value": "s3"},
{"name": "ATHENS_S3_BUCKET_NAME", "value": "athens-proxy-us-east-1-123456789012"},
Install on Azure Container Instances
When you follow the instructions in the Walkthrough, you end up with an Athens Proxy that uses in-memory storage. This is only suitable for trying out the Athens proxy for a short period of time, as you will quickly run out of memory and Athens won’t persist modules between restarts. This guide will help you get Athens running in a more suitable manner for scenarios like providing an instance for your development team to share.
In this document, we’ll show how to use Azure Container Instances (ACI) to run the Athens proxy.
Selecting a Storage Provider
Athens currently supports a number of storage drivers. For quick and easy use on ACI, we recommend using the local disk provider. For more permanent use, we recommend using MongoDB or other more persistent infrastructure. For other providers, please see the storage provider documentation.
Required Environment Variables
Before executing any of the commands below, make sure you have the following environment variables set up on your system:
- The Azure Resource Group to install the container in. You need to already have one of these before installing Athens
- See here for details on how to create a resource group
- The name of the container. This should be alphanumeric and you can have -
and _
- The Azure region to install the container in. See the previous link for an exhaustive list, but here’s a useful cheat sheet that you can use immediately, without reading any docs:
- North America:
- Europe:
- Asia:
- The DNS name to assign to the container. It has to be globally unique inside of the region you set (LOCATION
Installing with the Disk Storage Driver
az container create \
--image gomods/athens:v0.3.0 \
--ip-address=Public \
--dns-name="${AZURE_ATHENS_DNS_NAME}" \
--ports="3000" \
Once you’ve created the ACI container, you’ll see a JSON blob that includes the public IP address of the container. You’ll also see the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the running container (it will be prefixed by AZURE_ATHENS_DNS_NAME
Installing with the MongoDB Storage Driver
First, make sure you have the following environment variable set up:
- The MongoDB connection string. For example: mongodb://
Then run the create command:
az container create \
--image gomods/athens:v0.3.0 \
--ip-address=Public \
--dns-name="${AZURE_ATHENS_DNS_NAME}" \
--ports="3000" \
Once you’ve created the ACI container, you’ll see a JSON blob that includes the public IP address of the container. You’ll also see the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the running container (it will be prefixed by AZURE_ATHENS_DNS_NAME
Install on Google Cloud Run
Google Cloud Run is a service that aims to bridge the gap between the maintainance benefits of serverless architecture and the flexibility of Kubernetes. It is built on top of the opensource Knative project. Deploying using Cloud Run is similar to deploying using Google App Engine with the benefits of a free tier and a simpler build process.
Selecting a Storage Provider
There is documentaion about how to use environment variables to configure a large number of storage providers; however, for this prarticular example we will use Google Cloud Storage(GCS) because it fits nicely with Cloud Run.
Before You Begin
This guide assumes you have completed the following tasks:
- Signed up for Google Cloud
- Installed the gcloud command line tool
- Installed the beta plugin for the gcloud command line tool (this is how to set it up)
- Created a (GCS) bucket for your go modules
Setup a GCS Bucket
If you do not already have GCS bucket you can set one up using the gsutil tool.
First select a region you would like to have your storage in. You can then create a bucket in that region using the following command substituting your in your region and bucket name.
$ gsutil mb -l europe-west-4 gs://some-bucket
Change the values of these environment variables to be appropriate for your application. For GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT
, this needs to be the name of the project that has your cloud run deployment in it. ATHENS_REGION
should be the region that your cloud run instance will be in, and GCS_BUCKET
should be the Google Cloud Storage bucket that Athens will store module code and metadata in..
$ export GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT=your-project
$ export ATHENS_REGION=asia-northeast1
$ export GCS_BUCKET=your-bucket-name
$ gcloud auth login
$ gcloud auth configure-docker
You will then need to push a copy of the Athens docker image to your google cloud container registry.
Below is an example using v0.11.0, for the latest version, check out the latest Athens release
$ docker pull gomods/athens:v0.11.0
$ docker tag gomods/athens:v0.11.0$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/athens:v0.11.0
$ docker push$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/athens:v0.11.0
Once you have the container image in your registry you can use gcloud
to provision your Athens instance.
$ gcloud beta run deploy \
--image$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/athens:v0.11.0 \
--platform managed \
--region $ATHENS_REGION \
--allow-unauthenticated \
--set-env-vars=ATHENS_STORAGE_TYPE=gcp \
Once this command finishes is will provide a url to your instance, but you can always find this through the cli:
$ gcloud beta run services describe athens --platform managed --region $ATHENS_REGION | grep hostname
Install on Google App Engine
Google App Engine (GAE) is a Google service allows applications to be deployed without provisioning the underlying hardware. It is similar to Azure Container Engine which is covered in a previous section. This guide will demonstrate how you can get Athens running on GAE.
Selecting a Storage Provider
There is documentaion about how to use environment variables to configure a large number of storage providers; however, for this prarticular example we will use Google Cloud Storage(GCS) because it fits nicely with Cloud Run.
Before You Begin
This guide assumes you have completed the following tasks:
- Signed up for Google Cloud
- Installed the gcloud command line tool
Setup a GCS Bucket
If you do not already have GCS bucket you can set one up using the gsutil tool.
First select a global region you would like to have your storage in. You can then create a bucket in that region using the following command substituting your in your region and bucket name.
$ gsutil mb -l europe-west-4 gs://some-bucket
First clone the Athens repository
$ git clone
There is already a Google Application Engine scaffold set up for you. Copy it into a new file and make changes to the environment variables.
$ cd athens
$ cp scripts/gae/app.sample.yaml scripts/gae/app.yaml
$ code scripts/gae/app.yaml
Once you have configured the environment variables you can deploy Athens as a GAE service.
Install Athens with BOSH
Athens can be deployed in many ways. The following guide explains how to use BOSH, a deployment and lifecycle tool, in order to deploy an Athens server on virtual machines (VMs) on any infrastructure as a service (IaaS) that is supported by BOSH.
Install BOSH
Make sure to have the BOSH CLI installed and set up a BOSH Director on an infrastructure of your choice.
Setup the Infrastructure
If you choose to deploy on a IaaS provider, there are a few prerequisites that need to be set up before starting with the deployment. Depending on which IaaS you will be deploying, you may need to create:
Public IP: a public IP address for association with the Athens VM.
Firewall Rules: the following ingress ports must be allowed
- Athens proxy port (if you specify a different port than the default port 3000 in the job properties, adapt this rule accordingly).
Egress traffic should be restricted depending on your requirements.
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
AWS requires additional settings that should be added to a credentials.yml
file using the following template:
# security group IDs to apply to the VM
athens_security_groups: [sg-0123456abcdefgh]
# VPC subnet to deploy Athens to
athens_subnet_id: subnet-0123456789abcdefgh
# a specific, elastic IP address for the VM
The credentials need to be added to the deploy
command, i.e.
-o manifests/operations/aws-ops.yml
The fastest way to install Athens using BOSH is probably a Director VM running on VirtualBox which is sufficient for development or testing purposes. If you follow the bosh-lite installation guide, no further preparation is required to deploy Athens.
A deployment manifest contains all the information for managing and updating a BOSH deployment. To aid in the deployment of Athens on BOSH, the athens-bosh-release repository provides manifests for basic deployment configurations inside the manifests
directory. For quickly creating a standalone Athens server, clone the release repository and cd
into it:
git clone --recursive
cd athens-bosh-release
Once the infrastructure has been prepared and the BOSH Director is running, make sure that a stemcell has been uploaded. If this has not been done yet, choose a stemcell from the stemcells section of, and upload it via the command line. Additionally, a cloud config is required for IaaS specific configuration used by the Director and the Athens deployment. The manifests
directory also contains an example cloud config, which can be uploaded to the Director via
bosh update-config --type=cloud --name=athens \
--vars-file=credentials.yml manifests/cloud-config.yml
Execute the deploy
command which can be extended with ops/vars files depending on which IaaS you will be deploying to.
bosh -d athens deploy manifests/athens.yml # add extra arguments
For example, when using AWS the deploy command for an Athens Proxy with disk storage would look like
bosh -d athens deploy \
-o manifests/operations/aws-ops.yml \
-o manifests/operations/with-persistent-disk.yml \
-v disk_size=1024 \
--vars-file=credentials.yml manifests/athens.yml
This will deploy a single Athens instance in the athens
deployment with a persistent disk of 1024MB. The IP address of that instance can be obtained with
which is useful for targeting Athens, e.g. with the GOPROXY
variable. You can follow this quickstart guide for more information.
Managing private repos with .netrc files
Authenticate private repositories via .netrc
Create a .netrc file that looks like the following:
machine <ip or fqdn>
login <username>
password <user password>
Tell Athens through an environment variable the location of that file
Athens will copy the file into the home directory and override whatever .netrc file is in home directory. Alternatively, if the host of the Athens server already has a .netrc file in the home directory, then authentication should work out of the box.
Authenticate Mercurial private repositories via .hgrc
Create a .hgrc file with authentication data
Tell Athens through an environment variable the location of that file
Athens will copy the file into the home directory and override whatever .hgrc file is in home directory. Alternatively, if the host of the Athens server already has a .hgrc file in the home directory, then authentication should work out of the box.
Subsections of Configuring Athens
The download mode file
Athens accepts an HCL formatted file that has instructions for how it should behave when a module@version isn’t found in its storage. This functionality gives Athens the flexibility configure Athens to fit your organization’s needs. The most popular uses of this download file are:
- Configure Athens to never download or serve a module or group of modules
- Redirect to a different module proxy for a module or group of modules
This document will outline how to use this file - called the download mode file - to accomplish these tasks and more.
Please see the “Use cases” section below for more details on how to enable these behaviors and more.
First, once you’ve created your download mode file, you tell Athens to use it by setting the DownloadMode
configuration parameter in the config.toml
file, or setting the ATHENS_DOWNLOAD_MODE
environment variable. You can set this configuration value to one of two values to tell Athens to use your file:
- Set its value to
, where $FILE_PATH
is the path to the HCL file
- Set its value to
where $BASE_64
is the base64 encoded HCL file
Instead of one of the above two values, you can set this configuration to sync
, async
, none
, redirect
, or async_redirect
. If you do, the download mode will be set globally rather than for specific sub-groups of modules. See below for what each of these values mean.
Download mode keywords
If Athens receives a request for the module
at version v0.8.1
, and it doesn’t have that module and version in its storage, it will consult the download mode file for specific instructions on what action to take:
: Synchronously download the module from VCS via go mod download
, persist it to the Athens storage, and serve it back to the user immediately. Note that this is the default behavior.
: Return a 404 to the client, and asynchronously download and persist the module@version to storage.
: Return a 404 and do nothing.
: Redirect to an upstream proxy (such as and do nothing after.
: Redirect to an upstream proxy (such as and asynchronously download and persist the module@version to storage.
Athens expects these keywords to be used in conjunction with module patterns (*
, for example). You combine the keyword and the pattern to specify behavior for a specific group of modules.
Athens uses the Go path.Match function to parse module patterns.
Below is an example download mode file.
downloadURL = ""
mode = "async_redirect"
download "*" {
mode = "sync"
download "*" {
mode = "none"
download "*" {
mode = "redirect"
downloadURL = ""
The first two lines describe the default behavior for all modules. This behavior is overridden for select module groups below. In this case, the default behavior is:
- Immediatley redirect all requests to
- In the background, download the module from the version control system (VCS) and store it
The rest of the file contains download
blocks. These override the default behavior for specific groups of modules.
The first block specifies that any module matching*
(such as
) will be downloaded from GitHub, stored, and then returned to the user.
The second block specifies that any module matching*
(such as
) will always return a HTTP 404 response code. This behavior ensures that Athens will never store or serve any module names starting with
If a user has their GOPROXY
environment variable set with a comma separated list, their go
command line tool will always try the option next in the list. For example, if a user has their GOPROXY
environment variable set to,direct
, and then runs go get
, they will still download
to their machine. The module just won’t come from Athens.
The last block specifies that any module matching*
(such as
) will always redirect the go
tool to In this case, Athens will never persist the given module to its storage.
Use cases
The download mode file is versatile and allows you to configure Athens in a large variety of different ways. Below are some of the mode common.
Blocking certain modules
If you’re running Athens to serve a team of Go developers, it might be useful to ensure that the team doesn’t use a specific group or groups of modules (for example, because of licensing or security issues).
In this case, you would write this in your file:
download "bad/module/repo/*" {
mode = "none"
Preventing storage overflow
If you are running Athens using a storage backend that has limited space, you may want to prevent Athens from storing certain groups of modules that take up a lot of space. To avoid exhausting Athens storage, while still ensuring that the users of your Athens server still get access to the modules you can’t store, you would use a redirect
directive, as shown below:
download "very/large/*" {
mode = "redirect"
url = ""
If you use the redirect
mode, make sure that you specify a url
value that points to a reliable proxy.
Authentication to private repositories
SVN private repositories
Subversion creates an authentication structure in
In order to properly create the authentication file for your SVN servers you will need to authenticate to them and let svn build out the proper hashed files.
$ svn list http://<domain:port>/svn/<somerepo>
Authentication realm: <http://<domain> Subversion Repository
Username: test
Password for 'test':
Once we’ve properly authenticated we want to share the .subversion directory with the Athens proxy server in order to reuse those credentials. Below we’re setting it as a volume on our proxy container.
export ATHENS_STORAGE=~/athens-storage
export ATHENS_SVN=~/.subversion
docker run -d -v $ATHENS_STORAGE:/var/lib/athens \
-v $ATHENS_SVN:/root/.subversion \
-e ATHENS_DISK_STORAGE_ROOT=/var/lib/athens \
--name athens-proxy \
--restart always \
-p 3000:3000 \
$env:ATHENS_STORAGE = "$(Join-Path $pwd athens-storage)"
$env:ATHENS_SVN = "$(Join-Path $pwd .subversion)"
md -Path $env:ATHENS_STORAGE
docker run -d -v "$($env:ATHENS_STORAGE):/var/lib/athens" `
-v "$($env:ATHENS_SVN):/root/.subversion" `
-e ATHENS_DISK_STORAGE_ROOT=/var/lib/athens `
--name athens-proxy `
--restart always `
-p 3000:3000 `
Bazaar(bzr) private repositories
- Bazaar is not supported with the Dockerfile provided by Athens. but the instructions are valid for custom Athens build with bazaar.*
- Bazaaar config files are located in
- There are 3 typical configuration files
- bazaar.conf
- locations.conf
- branch specific overrides and/or settings
- authentication.conf
- credential information for remote servers
- Configuration file syntax
Authentication Configuration
Allows one to specify credentials for remote servers.
This can be used for all the supported transports and any part of bzr that requires authentication(smtp for example).
The syntax obeys the same rules as the others except for the option policies which don’t apply.
Pet projects on
Home server
Our local user is barbaz, on all remote sites we’re known as foobar
NOTE: when using sftp the scheme is ssh and a password isn’t supported you should use PPK
[reference code]
development branches on dev server
scheme=ssh # bzr+ssh and sftp are availablehere
Once we’ve properly setup our authentication we want to share the bazaar configuration directory with the Athens proxy server in order to reuse those credentials. Below we’re setting it as a volume on our proxy container.
export ATHENS_STORAGE=~/athens-storage
export ATHENS_BZR=~/.bazaar
docker run -d -v $ATHENS_STORAGE:/var/lib/athens \
-v $ATHENS_BZR:/root/.bazaar \
-e ATHENS_DISK_STORAGE_ROOT=/var/lib/athens \
--name athens-proxy \
--restart always \
-p 3000:3000 \
$env:ATHENS_STORAGE = "$(Join-Path $pwd athens-storage)"
$env:ATHENS_BZR = "$(Join-Path $pwd .bazaar)"
md -Path $env:ATHENS_STORAGE
docker run -d -v "$($env:ATHENS_STORAGE):/var/lib/athens" `
-v "$($env:ATHENS_BZR):/root/.bazaar" `
-e ATHENS_DISK_STORAGE_ROOT=/var/lib/athens `
--name athens-proxy `
--restart always `
-p 3000:3000 `
Atlassian Bitbucket and SSH-secured git VCS’s
This section was originally written to describe configuring the
Athens git client to fetch specific Go imports over SSH instead of
HTTP against an on-prem instance of Atlassian Bitbucket. With some
adjustment it may point the way to configuring the Athens proxy for
authenticated access to hosted Bitbucket and other SSH-secured
VCS’s. If your developer workflow requires that you clone, push,
and pull Git repositories over SSH and you want Athens to perform
the same way, please read on.
As a developer at, assume your application has a
dependency described by this import which is hosted on Bitbucket
import ""
Further, assume that you would manually clone this import like this
$ git clone ssh://
A go-get
client, such as that called by Athens, would begin
resolving this dependency by looking
for a go-import
meta tag in this output
$ curl -s
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="go-import" content=" git"/>
which says the content of the Go import actually resides at
. Comparing this URL
to what we would normally use to clone this project over SSH (above)
suggests this global Git config
http to ssh rewrite rule
[url "ssh://"]
insteadOf =
So to fetch the
dependency over SSH
to populate its storage cache, Athens ultimately calls git, which,
given that rewrite rule, in turn needs an SSH private key matching
a public key bound to the cloning developer or service account on
Bitbucket. This is essentially the SSH model. At a bare
minimum, we need to provide Athens with an SSH private key and the
http to ssh git rewrite rule, mounted inside the Athens container
for use by the root user
$ mkdir -p storage
$ docker run --rm -d \
-v "$PWD/$ATHENS_STORAGE:/var/lib/athens" \
-v "$PWD/gitconfig/.gitconfig:/root/.gitconfig" \
-v "$PWD/ssh-keys:/root/.ssh" \
-e ATHENS_DISK_STORAGE_ROOT=/var/lib/athens -e ATHENS_STORAGE_TYPE=disk --name athens-proxy -p 3000:3000 gomods/athens:canary
contains the http to ssh rewrite rule
[url "ssh://"]
insteadOf =
contains the aforementioned private key and a minimal ssh-config
$ ls ssh-keys/
config id_rsa
We also provide an ssh config to bypass host SSH key verification
and to show how to bind different hosts to different SSH keys
StrictHostKeyChecking no
IdentityFile /root/.ssh/id_rsa
Now, builds executed through the Athens proxy should be able to clone the
dependency over authenticated SSH.
and ssh-agent
As an alternative to passwordless SSH keys, one can use an ssh-agent
The ssh-agent
environment variable will propagate to
go mod download
if it contains a path to a valid unix socket (after
following symlinks).
As a result, if running with a working ssh agent (and a shell with
set), after setting up a gitconfig
as mentioned in the
previous section, one can run athens in docker as such:
$ mkdir -p storage
$ ssh-add .ssh/id_rsa_something
$ docker run --rm -d \
-v "$PWD/$ATHENS_STORAGE:/var/lib/athens" \
-v "$PWD/gitconfig/.gitconfig:/root/.gitconfig" \
-v "${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}:/.ssh_agent_sock" \
-e "SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/.ssh_agent_sock" \
-e ATHENS_DISK_STORAGE_ROOT=/var/lib/athens -e ATHENS_STORAGE_TYPE=disk --name athens-proxy -p 3000:3000 gomods/athens:canary
GitHub Apps
Instead of using a Machine User on GitHub, it is possible to create a GitHub App and authenticate via it.
Create a GitHub App in Settings > Developer settings > GitHub Apps and install it. The AppID/ClientID, Installation ID and Private Key are
required from the App.
Install the GitHub App Git Credential Helper in your $PATH
. The Athens Docker image comes
with this pre-installed.
Configure your global Git config as follows:
[credential ""]
helper = "github-app -username <app-name> -appId <app-id> -privateKeyFile <path-to-private-key> -installationId <installation-id>"
useHttpPath = true
[credential ""]
helper = "cache --timeout=3600"
[url ""]
insteadOf = ssh://
This instructs Git to authenticate with the GitHub App and cache the results for 3600s (the authentication token is valid for 1 hour).
Now, builds executed through the Athens proxy should be able to clone the
dependency over GitHub Apps.
GitHub Enterprise Self-hosted
To authenticate against a self-hosted GitHub Enterprise, the instructions are the same for GitHub hosted Apps
with the exception for the Git config, which should include your domain, as follows:
[credential ""]
helper = "github-app -username <app-name> -appId <app-id> -privateKeyFile <path-to-private-key> -installationId <installation-id> -domain"
useHttpPath = true
[credential ""]
helper = "cache --timeout=3600"
[url ""]
insteadOf = ssh://
Configuring Storage
The Athens proxy supports many storage types:
All of them can be configured using config.toml
file. You need to set a valid driver in StorageType
value or you can set it in environment variable ATHENS_STORAGE_TYPE
on your server.
Also for most of the drivers you need to provide additional configuration data which will be described below.
This storage doesn’t need any specific configuration and it’s also used by default in the Athens project. It writes all of data into local disk into tmp
This storage type should only be used for development purposes!
# StorageType sets the type of storage backend the proxy will use.
StorageType = "memory"
Disk storage allows modules to be stored on a file system. The location on disk where modules will be stored can be configured.
You can pre-fill disk-based storage to enable Athens deployments that have no access to the internet. See here for instructions on how to do that.
# StorageType sets the type of storage backend the proxy will use.
StorageType = "disk"
RootPath = "/path/on/disk"
where /path/on/disk
is your desired location. Also it can be set using ATHENS_DISK_STORAGE_ROOT
This driver uses a Mongo server as data storage. On start this driver will create an athens
database and module
collection on your Mongo server.
# StorageType sets the type of storage backend the proxy will use.
StorageType = "mongo"
# Full URL for mongo storage
URL = "mongodb://"
# Not required parameter
# Path to certificate to use for the mongo connection
CertPath = "/path/to/cert/file"
# Not required parameter
# Allows for insecure SSL / http connections to mongo storage
# Should be used for testing or development only
Insecure = false
# Not required parameter
# Allows for use of custom database
DefaultDBName = athens
# Not required parameter
# Allows for use of custom collection
DefaultCollectionName = modules
Google Cloud Storage
This driver uses Google Cloud Storage and assumes that you already have an account
and bucket
in it.
If you never used Google Cloud Storage there is quick guide
how to create bucket
inside it.
# StorageType sets the type of storage backend the proxy will use.
StorageType = "gcp"
# ProjectID to use for GCP Storage
# Bucket to use for GCP Storage
This driver is using the AWS S3 and assumes that you already have account
and bucket
created in it.
If you never used Amazon Web Services there is quick guide how to create bucket
inside it.
After this you can pass your credentials inside config.toml
file. If the access key ID and secret access key are not specified in config.toml
, the driver will attempt to load credentials for the default profile from the AWS CLI configuration file created during installation.
# StorageType sets the type of storage backend the proxy will use.
StorageType = "s3"
### The authentication model is as below for S3 in the following order
### If AWS_CREDENTIALS_ENDPOINT is specified and it returns valid results, then it is used
### If config variables are specified and they are valid, then they return valid results, then it is used
### Otherwise, it will default to default configurations which is as follows
# attempt to find credentials in the environment, in the shared
# configuration (~/.aws/credentials) and from ec2 instance role
# credentials. See
# and
# for environment variables that will affect the aws configuration.
# Setting UseDefaultConfiguration would only use default configuration. It will be deprecated in future releases
# and is recommended not to use it.
# Region for S3 storage
# Env override: AWS_REGION
Region = "MY_AWS_REGION"
# Access Key for S3 storage
# Env override: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
# Secret Key for S3 storage
# Session Token for S3 storage
# Not required parameter
# Env override: AWS_SESSION_TOKEN
Token = ""
# S3 Bucket to use for storage
# Env override: ATHENS_S3_BUCKET_NAME
Bucket = "MY_S3_BUCKET_NAME"
# If true then path style url for s3 endpoint will be used
# Env override: AWS_FORCE_PATH_STYLE
ForcePathStyle = false
# If true then the default aws configuration will be used. This will
# attempt to find credentials in the environment, in the shared
# configuration (~/.aws/credentials) and from ec2 instance role
# credentials. See
# and
# for environment variables that will affect the aws configuration.
UseDefaultConfiguration = false
# Note that this the URI should not end with / when AwsContainerCredentialsRelativeURI is set
CredentialsEndpoint = ""
# If you are planning to use AWS Fargate, please use for CredentialsEndpoint
# Ref:
AwsContainerCredentialsRelativeURI = ""
# An optional endpoint URL (hostname only or fully qualified URI)
# that overrides the default generated endpoint for S3 storage client.
# You must still provide a `Region` value when specifying an endpoint.
# Env override: AWS_ENDPOINT
Endpoint = ""
Minio is an open source object storage server that provides an interface for S3 compatible block storages. If you have never used minio, you can read this quick start guide. Any S3 compatible object storage is supported by Athens through the minio interface. Below, you can find different configuration options we provide for Minio. Example configuration for Digital Ocean and Alibaba OSS block storages are provided below.
# StorageType sets the type of storage backend the proxy will use.
StorageType = "minio"
# Endpoint for Minio storage
Endpoint = ""
# Access Key for Minio storage
# Secret Key for Minio storage
# Enable SSL for Minio connections
# Defaults to true
# Env override: ATHENS_MINIO_USE_SSL
EnableSSL = false
# Minio Bucket to use for storage
Bucket = "gomods"
DigitalOcean Spaces
For Athens to communicate with DigitalOcean Spaces, we are using Minio driver because DO Spaces tries to be fully compatible with it.
Also configuration for this storage looks almost the same in our proxy as for Minio.
# StorageType sets the type of storage backend the proxy will use.
StorageType = "minio"
# Address of DO Spaces storage
Endpoint = ""
# Access Key for DO Spaces storage
# Secret Key for DO Spaces storage
# Enable SSL
# Env override: ATHENS_MINIO_USE_SSL
EnableSSL = true
# Space name in your DO Spaces storage
# Region for DO Spaces storage
Alibaba OSS
For Athens to communicate with Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service, we are using Minio driver.
Also configuration for this storage looks almost the same in our proxy as for Minio.
# StorageType sets the type of storage backend the proxy will use.
StorageType = "minio"
# Address of Alibaba OSS storage
Endpoint = ""
# Access Key for Minio storage
# Secret Key for Alibaba OSS storage
# Enable SSL
# Env override: ATHENS_MINIO_USE_SSL
EnableSSL = true
# Parent folder in your Alibaba OSS storage
Azure Blob Storage
This driver uses Azure Blob Storage
If you never used Azure Blog Storage, here is a quickstart
It assumes that you already have the following:
# StorageType sets the type of storage backend the proxy will use.
StorageType = "azureblob"
# Storage Account name for Azure Blob
# Account Key to use with the storage account
# Managed Identity Resource Id to use with the storage account
# Storage Resource to use with the storage account
# Name of container in the blob storage
External Storage
External storage lets Athens connect to your own implementation of a storage backend.
All you have to do is implement the storage.Backend interface and run it behind an http server.
Once you implement the backend server, you must then configure Athens to use that storage backend as such:
StorageType = "external"
URL = "http://localhost:9090"
Athens provides a convenience wrapper that lets you implement a storage backend with ease. See the following example:
package main
import (
// TODO: implement storage.Backend
type myCustomStorage struct {
func main() {
handler := external.NewServer(&myCustomStorage{})
http.ListenAndServe(":9090", handler)
Running multiple Athens pointed at the same storage
Athens has the ability to run concurrently pointed at the same storage medium, using
a distributed locking mechanism called “single flight”.
By default, Athens is configured to use the memory
single flight, which
stores locks in local memory. This works when running a single Athens instance, given
the process has access to it’s own memory. However, when running multiple Athens instances
pointed at the same storage, a distributed locking mechansism is required.
Athens supports several distributed locking mechanisms:
(available when using the gcp
storage type)
(available when using the azureblob
storage type)
Setting the SingleFlightType
in the environment) configuration
value will enable usage of one of the above mechanisms. The azureblob
and gcp
types require
no extra configuration.
Using etcd as the single flight mechanism
Using the etcd
mechanism is very simple, just a comma separated list of etcd endpoints.
The recommend configuration is 3 endpoints, however, more can be used.
SingleFlightType = "etcd"
Endpoints = "localhost:2379,localhost:22379,localhost:32379"
Using redis as the single flight mechanism
Athens supports two mechanisms of communicating with redis: direct connection, and
connecting via redis sentinels.
Direct connection to redis
Using a direct connection to redis is simple, and only requires a single redis-server
You can also optionally specify a password to connect to the redis server with
SingleFlightType = "redis"
# Endpoint is the redis endpoint for the single flight mechanism
Endpoint = ""
# Password is the password for the redis instance
Password = ""
Connecting to Redis via a redis url is also
SingleFlightType = "redis"
# Endpoint is the redis endpoint for the single flight mechanism
# Note, if TLS is required use rediss:// instead.
Endpoint = "redis://user:password@"
If the redis url is invalid or cannot be parsed, Athens will fall back to treating Endpoint
as if it were
a normal host:port
pair. If a password is supplied in the redis url, in addition to being provided in the Password
configuration option, the two values must match otherwise Athens will fail to start.
Customizing lock configurations:
If you would like to customize the distributed lock options then you can optionally override the default lock config to better suit your use-case:
# TTL for the lock in seconds. Defaults to 900 seconds (15 minutes).
TTL = 900
# Timeout for acquiring the lock in seconds. Defaults to 15 seconds.
Timeout = 15
# Max retries while acquiring the lock. Defaults to 10.
MaxRetries = 10
Customizations may be required in some cases for eg, you can set a higher TTL if it usually takes longer than 5 mins to fetch the modules in your case.
Connecting to redis via redis sentinel
NOTE: redis-sentinel requires a working knowledge of redis and is not recommended for
redis sentinel is a high-availability set up for redis, it provides automated monitoring, replication,
failover and configuration of multiple redis servers in a leader-follower setup. It is more
complex than running a single redis server and requires multiple disperate instances of redis
running distributed across nodes.
For more details on redis-sentinel, check out the documentation
As redis-sentinel is a more complex set up of redis, it requires more configuration than standard redis.
Required configuration:
is a list of redis-sentinel endpoints to connect to, typically 3, but more can be used
is the named master instance, as configured in the redis-sentinel
Optionally, like redis
, you can also specify a password to connect to the redis-sentinel
endpoints with
SingleFlightType = "redis-sentinel"
# Endpoints is the redis sentinel endpoints to discover a redis
# master for a SingleFlight lock.
Endpoints = [""]
# MasterName is the redis sentinel master name to use to discover
# the master for a SingleFlight lock
MasterName = "redis-1"
# SentinelPassword is an optional password for authenticating with
# redis sentinel
SentinelPassword = "sekret"
Distributed lock options can be customised for redis sentinal as well, in a similar manner as described above for redis.
Using GCP as a singleflight mechanism
The GCP singleflight mechanism does not required configuration, and works out of the box. It has a
single option with which it can be customized:
# Threshold for how long to wait in seconds for an in-progress GCP upload to
# be considered to have failed to unlock.
StaleThreshold = 120
Proxying a checksum database API
If you run go get
and that module version is not yet in your go.sum
file, Go will by default send a request to
. That request will fail because the Go tool requires a checksum, but
doesn’t have access to your private code.
The result is that (1) your build will fail, and (2) your private module names have been sent over the internet to an opaque public server that you don’t control.
You can read more about this
service here
Proxying a checksum DB
Many companies use Athens to host their private code, but Athens is not only a module proxy. It’s also a checksum database proxy. That means that anyone inside of your company can configure go
to send these checksum requests to Athens instead of the public
If the Athens server is configured with checksum filters, then you can prevent these problems.
If you run the below command using Go 1.13 or later:
$ GOPROXY=<athens-url> go build .
… then the Go tool will automatically send all checksum requests to <athens-url>/sumdb/
instead of
By default, when Athens receives a /sumdb/...
request, it automatically proxies it to
, even if it’s a private module that
doesn’t and can’t know about. So if you are working with private modules, you’ll want to change the default behavior.
If you want Athens to not send some module names up to the global checksum database, set those module names in the NoSumPatterns
value in config.toml
environment variable.
The following sections will go into more detail on how checksum databases work, how Athens fits in, and how this all impacts your workflow.
How to set this all up
Before you begin, you’ll need to run Athens with configuration values that tell it to not proxy certain modules. If you’re using config.toml
, use this configuration:
NoSumPatterns = ["*", "*"]
And if you’re using an environment variable, use this configuration:
You can use any string compatible with path.Match
in these environment variables
After you start Athens up with this configuration, all checksum requests for modules that start with
will not be forwarded, and Athens will return an error to the go
CLI tool.
This behavior will ensure that none of your private module names leak to the public internet, but your builds will still fail. To fix that problem, set another environment variable on your machine (that you run your go
$ export GONOSUMDB="*,*"
Now, your builds will work and you won’t be sending information about your private codebase to the internet.
I’m confused, why is this hard?
When the Go tool has to download new code that isn’t currently in the project’s go.sum
file, it tries its hardest to get a checksum from a server it trusts, and compare it to the checksum in the actual code it downloads. It does all of this to ensure provenance. That is, to ensure that the code you just downloaded wasn’t tampered with.
The trusted checksums are all stored in
, and that server is centrally controlled.
These build failures and potential privacy leaks can only happen when you try to get a module version that is not already in your go.sum
Athens does its best to respect and use the trusted checksums while also ensuring that your private names don’t get leaked to the public server. In some cases, it has to choose whether to fail your build or leak information, so it chooses to fail your build. That’s why everybody using that Athens server needs to set up their GONOSUMDB
environment variable.
We believe that along with good documentation - which we hope this is! - we have struck the right balance between convenience and privacy.
Pre-filling disk storage
One of the popular features of Athens is that it can be run completely cut off from the internet. In this case, though, it can’t reach out to an upstream (e.g. a VCS or another module proxy) to fetch modules that it doesn’t have in storage. So, we need to manually fill up the disk partition that Athens uses with the dependencies that we need.
This document will guide you through packaging up a single module called
, and inserting it into the Athens disk storage.
You’ll need to produce the following assets from module source code:
- just the Go source code, packaged in a zip file
- just the go.mod
file from the module
- metadata about the module
file has a specific directory structure and the $
has a JSON structure, both of which you’ll need to get right in order for Athens to serve up the right dependency formats that the Go toolchain will accept.
We don’t recommend that you create these assets yourself. Instead, use pacmod or gopack
Using pacmod
To install the pacmod
tool, run go get
like this:
$ go get
This command will install the pacmod
binary to your $GOPATH/bin/pacmod
directory, so make sure that is in your $PATH
Next, run pacmod
to create assets
After you have pacmod
, you’ll need the module source code that you want to package. Before you run the command, set the VERSION
variable in your environment to the version of the module you want to generate assets for.
Below is an example for how to configure it.
$ export VERSION="v1.0.0"
Note: make sure your VERSION
variable starts with a v
Next, navigate to the top-level directory of the module source code, and run pacmod
like this:
$ pacmod pack $VERSION .
Once this command is done, you’ll notice three new files in the same same directory you ran the command from:
Using gopack
To use this method you need docker-compose installed.
Fork gopack project and clone it to your local machine (or just download files to your computer)
with a list of go modules you want to download:
go get;
go get;
docker-compose up --abort-on-container-exit
Once this command is done, you’ll notice in the ATHENS_STORAGE folder all modules ready to be moved to your Athens disk storage.
Next, move assets into Athens storage directory
Now that you have assets built, you need to move them into the location of the Athens disk storage. In the below commands, we’ll assume $STORAGE_ROOT
is the environment variable that points to the top-level directory that Athens uses for its on-disk.
If you set up Athens with the $ATHENS_DISK_STORAGE_ROOT
environment variable, the root of this storage location is the value of this environment variable. Use export STORAGE_ROOT=$ATHENS_DISK_STORAGE_ROOT
to prepare your environment for the below commands.
First create the subdirectory into which you’ll move the assets you created:
Finally, make sure that you’re still in the module source repository root directory (the same as you were in when you ran the pacmod
command), and move your three new files into the new directory you just created:
$ mv go.mod $STORAGE_ROOT/$VERSION/go.mod
Note that we’ve changed the name of the .zip
Finally, test your setup
At this point, your Athens server should have its disk-based cache filled with the
module at version $VERSION
. Next time you request this module, Athens will find it in its disk storage and will not try to fetch it from an upstream source.
You can quickly test this behavior by running below curl
command, assuming your Athens server is running on http://localhost:3000
and is already configured to use the same disk storage that you pre-filled above.
$ curl localhost:3000/$
When you run this command, Athens should immediately return, without contacting any other network services.
Filtering modules (deprecated)
Note: the filter file that this page documents is deprecated. Please instead see “Filtering with the download mode file” for updated instructions on how to filter modules in Athens.
The proxy supports the following three use cases
- Fetches a module directly from the source (upstream proxy)
- Exclude a particular module
- Include a module in the local proxy.
These settings can be done by creating a configuration file which can be pointed by setting either
as an environment variable.
Writing the configuration file
Every line of the configuration can start either with a
denoting that the module has to be included by the proxy
denoting that the module has to be fetched directly from an upstream proxy and not stored locally
denoting that the module is excluded and will not be fetched into the proxy or from the upstream proxy
It allows for #
to add comments and new lines are skipped. Anything else would result in an error
Sample configuration file
# This is a comment
# get golang tools directly
In the above example,
is fetched directly from the upstream proxy. All the modules from
are excluded except
Adding a default mode
The list of modules can grow quickly in size and sometimes may want to specify configuration for a handful of modules. In this case, they can set a default mode for all the modules and add specific rules to certain modules that they want to apply to. The default rule is specified at the beginning of the file. It can be an either +
, -
or D
An example default mode is
In the above example, all the modules are fetched directly from the source.
is excluded and
is stored in the proxy storage.
Adding versions to the filter
Using an “approved list” is a common practice that requires each minor or patch version to be approved before it is allowed in the codebase. This is accomplished by adding a list of version patterns to the rule. These version patterns are comma-separated and prefix-matching, so v2
and v2.3.*
both match the requested version 2.3.5
An example version filter is
# use internal github enterprise server directly
# external dependency approved list
+ v0.1,v0.2,v0.4.1
In the above example, any module not in the rules will be excluded. All modules from
are fetched directly from the source. The
module will be stored in the proxy storage, but only for version v0.4.1
and any patch versions under v0.1
and v0.2
minor versions.
Versions Filter Modifiers
Athens provides advanced filter modifiers to cover cases such as API compatibility or when a given dependency changes its license from a given versions. The modifiers are intended to be used in the pattern list of the filter file.
# external dependency approved list
The currently supported modifiers are
will enable all patch versions from 1.2.3 and above (e.g. 1.2.3, 1.2.4, 1.2.5)
- Formally,
where x >= 3
will enable all patch and minor versions from 1.2.3 and above (e.g. 1.2.4, 1.3.0 and 1.4.5)
- Formally,
where x >= 2
and y >= 3
will enable all versions lower than 1.2.3 (e.g. 1.2.2, 1.0.0 and 0.58.9)
- Formally,
where x <= 1
, y < = 2
and z < 3
This kind of modifiers will work only if a three parts semantic version is specified. For example, ~4.5.6
will work while ~4.5
Using an upstream Go modules repository (deprecated)
Note: the filter file that this page documents is deprecated. Please instead see “Filtering with the download mode file” for updated instructions on how to set upstream repositories in Athens.
By default, Athens fetches module code from an upstream version control system (VCS) like, but this can be configured to use a Go modules repository like GoCenter or another Athens Server.
Create a filter file (e.g /usr/local/lib/FilterForGoCenter
) with letter D
(stands for “direct access”) in first line. For more details, please refer to documentation on - Filtering Modules
# FilterFile for fetching modules directly from upstream
If you are not using a config file, create a new config file (based on the sample and edit values to match your environment).
Additionally in the current or new config file, set the following parameters as suggested:
FilterFile = "/usr/local/lib/FilterForGoCenter"
GlobalEndpoint = "https://<url_to_upstream>"
# To use GoCenter for example, replace <url_to_upstream> with
# You can also use to use the Go Module mirror
Restart Athens specifying the updated current or new config file.
<path_to_athens>/proxy -config_file <path-to updated current or new configfile>
Verify the new configuration using the steps mentioned in “Try out Athens” document, and go through the same walkthrough example.
Home template configuration
As of v0.14.0 Athens ships with a default, minimal HTML home page that advises users on how to connect to the proxy. It factors in whether GoNoSumPatterns
is configured, and attempts
to build configuration for GO_PROXY
. It relies on the users request Host header (on HTTP 1.1) or the Authority header (on HTTP 2) as well as whether the request was over TLS to advise
on configuring GO_PROXY
. Lastly, the homepage provides a quick guide on how users can leverage the Athens API.
Of course, not all instructions will be this simple. Some installations may be reachable at different addresses in CI than for desktop users. In this case, and others where the default
home page does not make sense it is possible to override the template.
Do so by configuring HomeTemplatePath
to a location on disk with a Go HTML template or placing a template file at /var/lib/athens/home.html
Athens automatically injects the following variables in templates:
Setting |
Source |
Host |
Built from the request Host (HTTP1) or Authority (HTTP2) header and presence of TLS. Includes ports. |
NoSumPatterns |
Comes directly from the configuration. |
Using these values is done by wrapping them in bracers with a dot prepended. Example: {{ .Host }}
For more advanced formatting read more about Go HTML templates.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8"></meta>
body {
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
margin: 20px;
pre {
background-color: #f4f4f4;
padding: 5px;
border-radius: 5px;
width: fit-content;
padding: 10px;
code {
background-color: #f4f4f4;
padding: 5px;
border-radius: 5px;
<h1>Welcome to Athens</h1>
<h2>Configuring your client</h2>
<pre>GOPROXY={{ .Host }},direct</pre>
{{ if .NoSumPatterns }}
<h3>Excluding checksum database</h3>
<p>Use the following GONOSUM environment variable to exclude checksum database:</p>
<pre>GONOSUM={{ .NoSumPatterns }}</pre>
{{ end }}
<h2>How to use the Athens API</h2>
<p>Use the <a href="/catalog">catalog</a> endpoint to get a list of all modules in the proxy</p>
<h3>List of versions</h3>
<p>This endpoint returns a list of versions that Athens knows about for <code>acidburn/htp</code>:</p>
<pre>GET {{ .Host }}/</pre>
<h3>Version info</h3>
<p>This endpoint returns information about a specific version of a module:</p>
<pre>GET {{ .Host }}/</pre>
<p>This returns JSON with information about v1.0.0. It looks like this:
"Name": "v1.0.0",
"Short": "v1.0.0",
"Version": "v1.0.0",
"Time": "1972-07-18T12:34:56Z"
<h3>go.mod file</h3>
<p>This endpoint returns the go.mod file for a specific version of a module:</p>
<pre>GET {{ .Host }}/</pre>
<p>This returns the go.mod file for version v1.0.0. If {{ .Host }}/ version v1.0.0 has no dependencies, the response body would look like this:</p>
<h3>Module sources</h3>
<pre>GET {{ .Host }}/</pre>
<p>This is what it sounds like — it sends back a zip file with the source code for the module in version v1.0.0.</p>
<pre>GET {{ .Host }}/</pre>
<p>This endpoint returns the latest version of the module. If the version does not exist it should retrieve the hash of latest commit.</p>
Athens is designed to support a myriad of logging scenarios.
The standard structured logger can be configured in plain
or json
formatting via LogFormat
. Additionally, verbosity can be controlled by setting LogLevel
. In order for the standard structured logger to work, CloudRuntime
should not be set to a valid value.
The logging is via Logrus, so the allowed values for logging config options are determined by that project. For example, ATHENS_LOG_LEVEL
can be debug
, info
, warn
, error
, etc.
Athens can be configured according to certain cloud provider specific runtimes. The GCP runtime configures Athens to rename certain logging fields that could be dropped or overriden when running in a GCP logging environment. This runtime can be used with LogLevel
to control the verbosity of logs.
Subsections of The Design of Athens
The Athens Proxy
The Athens proxy has two primary use cases:
- Internal deployments
- Public mirror deployments
This document details features of the Athens proxy that you can use to achieve either use case.
The Role of the Athens proxy
We intend proxies to be deployed primarily inside of enterprises to:
- Host private modules
- Exclude access to public modules
- Store public modules
Importantly, a proxy is not intended to be a complete mirror of an upstream proxy. For public modules, its role is to store the modules locally and provide access control.
What happens when a public module is not stored?
When a user requests a module MxV1
from a proxy and the Athens proxy doesn’t have MxV1
in its store, it first determines whether MxV1
is private or not private.
If it’s private, it immediately stores the module into the proxy storage from the internal VCS.
If it’s not private, the Athens proxy consults its exclude list for non-private modules (see below). If MxV1
is on the exclude list, the Athens proxy returns 404 and does nothing else. If MxV1
is not on the exclude list, the Athens proxy executes the following algorithm:
upstreamDetails := lookUpstream(MxV1)
if upstreamDetails == nil {
return 404 // if the upstream doesn't have the thing, just bail out
return upstreamDetails.baseURL
The important part of this algorithm is lookUpstream
. That function queries an endpoint on the upstream proxy that either:
- Returns 404 if it doesn’t have
in its storage
- Returns the base URL for MxV1 if it has
in its storage
In a later version of the project, we may implement an event stream on proxies that any other proxy can subscribe to and listen for deletions/deprecations on modules that it cares about
Exclude Lists and Private Module Filters
To accommodate private (i.e. enterprise) deployments, the Athens proxy maintains two important access control mechanisms:
- Private module filters
- Exclude lists for public modules
Private Module Filters
Private module filters are string globs that tell the Athens proxy what is a private module. For example, the string**
tells the Athens proxy:
- To never make requests to the public internet (i.e. to upstream proxies) regarding this module
- To download module code (in its store mechanism) from the VCS at
Exclude Lists for Public Modules
Exclude lists for public modules are also globs that tell the Athens proxy what modules it should never download from any upstream proxy. For example, the string**
tells the Athens proxy to always return 404 Not Found
to clients.
Catalog Endpoint
The proxy provides a /catalog
service endpoint to fetch all the modules and their versions contained in the local storage. The endpoint accepts a continuation token and a page size parameter in order to provide paginated results.
A query is of the form
Where token is an optional continuation token and pagesize is the desired size of the returned page.
The token
parameter is not required for the first call and it’s needed for handling paginated results.
The result is a json with the following structure:
{"modules": [{"module":"","version":"v1.0.0"}],
If a next
token is not returned, then it means that no more pages are available. The default page size is 1000.
Communication flow
This is the story of a time long ago. A time of myth and legend when the ancient Gods were petty and cruel and they plagued build with irreproducibility.
Only one project dared to challenge their power…Athens. Athens possessed a strength the world had never seen. Filling its storage.
Clean plate
At the beginning, there’s theoretical state when a storage of the Athens proxy is empty.
When User makes a request at this ancient time, it works as described on the flow below.
- User runs
go get
to acquire new module.
- Go CLI contacts the Athens proxy asking for module M, version v1.0
- The Athens proxy checks whether or not it has this module in its storage. It does not.
- The Athens proxy downloads code from the underlying VCS and converts it into the Go Module format.
- After it receives all the bits, it stores it into its own storage and serves it to the User.
- User receives module and is happy.
The process from the user using go get
all the way to the user downloading a module is synchronous.

Happy path
Now that the Athens proxy is aware of module M at version v1.0, it can serve that module immediately to the user, without fetching it from the VCS.

From VCS to the User
You read about proxy, communication and then opened a codebase and thought to yourself: This is not as simple as described in the docs.
Athens has a set of architectural components that handle Go modules from their journey from the VCS into storage and down to the user. If you feel lost on how all these pieces work, read on my friend!
From communication, you know that when a module is not backed up in the storage it gets downloaded from VCS (such as and then it is served to the user. You also know that this whole process is synchronous. But when you read a code you see module fetchers and download protocol stashers and you struggle to figure out what’s what and how they differ. It might seem complicated, but this document will help explain everything that’s going on.
Let’s start with describing all the components you will see along the way. There’s no better way to get a clear picture of everything than with a diagram.

As you can see, there are a lot of layers and wrappers. The first two pieces you’ll see in the code are the Storage and the Fetcher. We’ll start our journey there.
Storage is what it sounds like. Storage instance created in proxy/storage.go
’s GetStorage
Based on storage type passed as an ENV variable it will create in-memory, filesystem, mongo… storage.
This is where modules live. Once there, always there.
is the first component on our way. As we can guess from the name, Fetcher (pkg/module/fetcher.go
) is responsible for fetching the sources from VCS.
For this, it needs two things: the go
binary and afero.FileSystem
. Path to binary and filesystems are passed to Fetcher
during initialization.
mf, err := module.NewGoGetFetcher(goBin, fs)
if err != nil {
return err
When a request for a new module comes, the Fetch
function is invoked.
Fetch(ctx context.Context, mod, ver string) (*storage.Version, error)
fetch function
Then the Fetcher
- creates a temp directory using an injected
- in this temp dir, it constructs dummy go project consisting of simple
and go.mod
so the go
CLI can be used.
- invokes
go mod download -json {module}
This command downloads the module into the storage. Once the download is completed,
- the
function reads the module bits from storage and returns them to the caller.
- The exact path of module files is returned by
go mod
as part of JSON
As it is important for us to keep components small and readable, we did not want to bloat Fetcher
with storing functionality. For storing modules into a storage we use Stash
er. This is the single responsibility of a simple Stasher.
We think it’s important to keep components small and orthogonal, so the Fetcher
and the storage.Backend
don’t interact. Instead, the Stasher
composes them together and orchestrates the process of fetching code and then storing it.
The New method accepts the Fetcher
and the storage.Backend
with a set of wrappers (explained later).
New(f module.Fetcher, s storage.Backend, wrappers ...Wrapper) Stasher
The code in pkg/stash/stasher.go
isn’t complex, but it’s important:
I think this does two things:
- invokes
to get module bits
- stores the bits using a
If you read carefully you noticed wrappers passed into a basic Stash
er implementation.
These wrappers add more advanced logic and help to keep components clean.
The new method then returns a Stasher
which is a result of wrapping basic Stash
er with wrappers.
for _, w := range wrappers {
st = w(st)
Stash wrapper - Pool
As downloading a module is resource heavy (memory) operation, Pool
(pkg/stash/with_pool.go) helps us to control simultaneous downloads.
It uses N-worker pattern which spins up the specified number of workers which then waits for a job to complete. Once they complete their job, they return the result and are ready for the next one.
A job, in this case, is a call to Stash function on a backing Stash
Stash wrapper - SingleFlight
We know that module fetching is a resource-heavy operation and we just put a limit on a number of parallel downloads. To help us save more resources we wanted to avoid processing the same module multiple times.
wrapper (pkg/stash/with_singleflight.go) takes care of that.
Internally it keeps track of currently running downloads using a map.
If a job arrives and map[moduleVersion]
is empty, it initiates it with a callback channel and invokes a job on a backing Stasher
s.subs[mv] = []chan error{subCh}
go s.process(ctx, mod, ver)
if there is an entry for the requested module, SingleFlight
will subscribe for a result
s.subs[mv] = append(s.subs[mv], subCh)
and once the job is complete, the module is served one level up to the download protocol
(or to wrapping stasher
Download protocol
The outer most level is the download protocol
dpOpts := &download.Opts{
Storage: s,
Stasher: st,
Lister: lister,
dp := download.New(dpOpts, addons.WithPool(protocolWorkers))
It contains two components we already mentioned: Storage
, Stasher
and one more additional: Lister
is used in List
and Latest
funcs to look upstream for the list of versions available.
is here again. We saw it in a Stasher
before, used for saving.
In Download protocol it is used to check whether or not the module is already present. If it is, it is served directly from storage
Otherwise, Download protocol uses Stasher
to download module, store it into a storage
and then it serves it back to the user.
You can also see addons.WithPool
in a code snippet above. This addon is something similar to Stash wrapper - Pool
. It controls the number of concurrent requests proxy can handle.
Is Athens Just a Proxy? A Registry?
TL;DR “Registry” doesn’t describe what Athens is trying to do here. That implies that there’s only one service in the world that can serve Go modules to everyone. Athens isn’t trying to be that. Instead, Athens is trying to be part of a federated group of module proxies.
A registry is generally run by one entity, is one logical server that provides authentication (and provenance sometimes), and is pretty much the de-facto only source of dependencies. Sometimes it’s run by a for-profit company.
That’s most definitely not what we in the Athens community are going for, and that would harm our community if we did go down that path.
First and foremost, Athens is an implementation of the Go Modules download API. Not only does the standard Go toolchain support any implementation of that API, the Athens proxy is designed to talk to any other server that implements that API as well. That allows Athens to talk to other proxies in the community.
Finally, we’re purposefully building this project - and working with the toolchain folks - in a way that everyone who wants to write a proxy can participate.
Athens is currently supported by the Go v1.12+ toolchain via the download protocol.
For the TL;DR of the protocol, it’s a REST API that lets the go toolchain (i.e. go get) see lists of versions and fetch source code for a specific version.
Athens is a server that implements the protocol. Both it, the protocol and the toolchain (as you almost certainly know) is open source.
Are the packages served by Athens immutable?
TL;DR Athens does store code in CDNs and has the option to store code in other persistent datastores.
The longer version:
It’s virtually impossible to ensure immutable builds when source code comes from Github. We have been annoyed by that problem for a long time. The Go modules download protocol is a great opportunity to solve this issue. The Athens proxy works pretty simply at a high level:
go get
- Athens looks in its datastore, it’s missing
- Athens downloads
from Github (it uses go get on the backend too)
- Athens stores the module in its datastore
- Athens serves
from its datastore forever
To repeat, “datastore” means a CDN (we currently have support for Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob Storage and AWS S3) or another datastore (we have support for MongoDB, disk and some others).
Can the Athens proxy authenticate to private repositories?
TL;DR: yes, with proper authentication configuration defined on the Athens proxy host.
When the GOPROXY environment variable is set on the client-side, the Go 1.11+ cli
does not attempt to request the meta tags, via a request that looks like
Internally Athens uses go get
under the hood (go mod download
to be exact)
without the GOPROXY
environment variable set so that go
will in turn request
the meta tags using the standard authentication mechanisms supported by go
Therefore, if go
before v1.11 worked for you, then go 1.11+ with GOPROXY
should work as well, provided that the Athens proxy host is configured with the
proper authentication.
Can I exclude a module completely?
Yes, this is possible. The proxy provides a configuration file that will allow users to specify which modules that should not be fetched at all. The filtering modules configuration provides details about the configuration file and how to exclude certain modules.
Can I specify that a module is fetched from an upstream proxy and not stored locally?
Yes, this is possible. Refer to the filtering modules configuration provides details about the configuration file and how to exclude certain modules.
Is there support for monitoring and observability for Proxy?
Right now, we have structured logs for proxy. Along with that, we have added tracing to help developers identify critical code paths and debug latency issues. While there is no setup required for logs, tracing requires some installation. We currently support exporting traces with Jaeger, GCP Stackdriver & Datadog (untested). Further support for other exporters is in progress.
To try out tracing with Jaeger, do the following:
Set the environment to development (otherwise traces will be sampled)
Run docker-compose up -d
that is found in the athens source root directory to initialize the services required
Run the walkthrough tutorial
Open http://localhost:16686/search
Observability is not a hard requirement for the Athens proxy. So, if the infrastructure is not properly set up, it will fail with an information log. For example, if Jaeger is not running or if the wrong URL to the exporter is provided, the proxy will continue to run. However, it will not collect any traces or metrics while the exporter backend is unavailable.
What VCS servers does Athens support?
Athens uses go mod download
under the hood, so it supports anything go mod
Which currently includes:
When should I use a vendor directory, and when should I use Athens?
The Go community has used vendor directories for a long time before module proxies like Athens came along, so naturally each group collaborating on code should decide for themselves whether they want to use a vendor directory, use Athens, or do both!
Using a vendor directory (without a proxy) is valuable when:
- CI/CD systems don’t have access to an Athens (even if it’s internal)
- When the vendor directory is so small that it is still faster to check it out from a repo than it is to pull zip files from the server
- If you’re coming from glide/dep or another dependency management system that leveraged the vendor directory
Athens (without a vendor directory) is valuable when:
- You have a new project
- You are upgrading a Go project to use Go modules
- Your team requires that you use Athens (i.e. for isolation or dependency auditing)
- Your vendor directory is large and causing slow checkouts and downloading from Athens speeds the build up
- For developers slow checkouts will not be as much of a problem as for ci tools which frequently need to checkout fresh copies of the project
- You want to remove the vendor directory from your project to:
- Reduce noise in pull requests
- Reduce difficulty doing fuzzy file searching in your project
First, make sure you have Go v1.12+ installed and that GOPATH/bin is on your path.
Without the Athens proxy
Let’s review what everything looks like in Go without the Athens proxy in the picture:
$ git clone
$ cd walkthrough
$ GO111MODULE=on go run .
go: downloading v1.0.0
The 🦁 says rawr!
$ git clone
$ cd walkthrough
$ $env:GO111MODULE = "on"
$ go run .
go: downloading v1.0.0
The 🦁 says rawr!
The end result of running this command is that Go downloaded the package source and packaged
it into a module, saving it in the Go Modules local storage.
Now that we have seen Go Modules in action without the Athens proxy, let’s take a look at
how the Athens proxy changes the workflow and the output.
With the Athens proxy
Using the most simple installation possible, let’s walk through how to use the
Athens proxy, and figure out what is happening at each step.
Before moving on, let’s clear our Go Modules local files so that we can see the Athens proxy
in action without any modules locally populated:
sudo rm -fr $(go env GOPATH)/pkg/mod
rm -recurse -force "$(go env GOPATH)\pkg\mod"
Now run the Athens proxy in a background process:
$ mkdir -p $(go env GOPATH)/src/
$ cd $(go env GOPATH)/src/
$ git clone
$ cd athens
$ GO111MODULE=on go run ./cmd/proxy -config_file=./ &
[1] 25243
INFO[0000] Starting application at
$ mkdir "$(go env GOPATH)\src\\gomods"
$ cd "$(go env GOPATH)\src\\gomods"
$ git clone
$ cd athens
$ $env:GO111MODULE = "on"
$ $env:GOPROXY = ""
$ Start-Process -NoNewWindow go 'run .\cmd\proxy -config_file=".\"'
[1] 25243
INFO[0000] Starting application at
The Athens proxy is now running in the background and is listening for requests
from localhost ( on port 3000.
Since we didn’t provide any specific configuration
the Athens proxy is using in-memory storage, which is only suitable for trying out the Athens proxy
for a short period of time, as you will quickly run out of memory and the storage
doesn’t persist between restarts.
With Docker
For more details on running Athens in docker, take a look at the install documentation
In order to run the Athens Proxy using docker, we need first to create a directory that will store the persitant modules.
In the example below, the new directory is named athens-storage
and is located in our userspace (i.e. $HOME
Then we need to set the ATHENS_STORAGE_TYPE
environment variables when we run the Docker container.
export ATHENS_STORAGE=$HOME/athens-storage
docker run -d -v $ATHENS_STORAGE:/var/lib/athens \
-e ATHENS_DISK_STORAGE_ROOT=/var/lib/athens \
--name athens-proxy \
--restart always \
-p 3000:3000 \
$env:ATHENS_STORAGE = "$(Join-Path $HOME athens-storage)"
md -Path $env:ATHENS_STORAGE
docker run -d -v "$($env:ATHENS_STORAGE):/var/lib/athens" `
-e ATHENS_DISK_STORAGE_ROOT=/var/lib/athens `
--name athens-proxy `
--restart always `
-p 3000:3000 `
Next, you will need to enable the Go Modules
feature and configure Go to use the Athens proxy!
Using the Athens proxy
export GO111MODULE=on
export GOPROXY=
$env:GO111MODULE = "on"
$env:GOPROXY = ""
environment variable controls the Go Modules feature in Go 1.11 only.
Possible values are:
: Always use Go Modules
(default): Only use Go Modules when a go.mod file is present, or the go command is run from outside the GOPATH
: Never use Go Modules
environment variable tells the go
binary that instead of talking to
the version control system, such as, directly when resolving your package
dependencies, instead it should communicate with a proxy. The Athens proxy implements
the Go Download Protocol, and is responsible for listing available
versions for a package in addition to providing a zip of particular package versions.
Now, you when you build and run this example application, go
will fetch dependencies via Athens!
$ cd ../walkthrough
$ go run .
go: finding v1.0.0
handler: GET / [200]
handler: GET / [200]
go: downloading v1.0.0
handler: GET / [200]
The 🦁 says rawr!
The output from go run .
includes attempts to find the dependency. Since the
proxy was run in the background, you should also see output from Athens indicating that it is handling requests for the dependency.
Let’s break down what is happening here:
Before Go runs our code, it detects that our code depends on the package
which is not present in the Go Modules local storage.
At this point the Go Modules feature comes into play because we have it enabled.
Instead of looking in the GOPATH for the package, Go reads our go.mod file
and sees that we want a particular version of that package, v1.0.0.
require v1.0.0
Go first checks for in the Go Modules local storage,
located in GOPATH/pkg/mod. If that version of the package is already local storage,
then Go will use it and stop looking. But since this is our first time
running this, our local storage is empty and Go keeps looking.
Go requests from our proxy because
it is set in the GOPROXY environment variable.
The Athens proxy checks its own storage (in this case is in-memory) for the package and doesn’t find it. So it
retrieves it from and then saves it for subsequent requests.
Go downloads the module zip and puts it in the Go Modules local storage
Go will use the module and build our application!
Subsequent calls to go run .
will be much less verbose:
$ go run .
The 🦁 says rawr!
No additional output is printed because Go found in the Go Module
local storage and did not need to request it from the Athens proxy.
Lastly, quitting from the Athens proxy. This cannot be done directly because we are starting the Athens proxy in the background, thus we must kill it by finding it’s process ID and killing it manually.
lsof -i @localhost:3000
kill -9 <<PID>>
netstat -ano | findstr :3000 (local host Port number)
taskkill /PID typeyourPIDhere /F
Next Steps
Now that you have seen Athens in Action: